FLAGPOLE FINISH OPTIONS 11 Aluminum & Steel Finishes This printing may not be an accurate representation of color. Dark Bronze Black S A T I N B R U S H E D e Satin brushed nish has been the standard nish in the agpole industry for years. It is a machine polished, bright nish that requires no maintenance. Acme/Lingo’s ne satin nish will allow the pole to oxidize evenly over time. D U R A NO D I C A NO D I Z E D Anodizing protects aluminum with a durable, attactive nish. e electro-chemical process uses an electrolyte and an electrical charge to oxidize the surface of an aluminum pole. Anodizing, however, e ects di erent alloys di erently. Cast agpole parts and welds will not anodize the same color as the pole and therefore require painting to match. P OW D E R C O A T I N G Powder coat painted nishes o er a high-performance alternative to anodizing. Acme/Lingo powder coating provides a nish that is resistant to abrasion and o ers long term corrosion protection. Satin Brushed White Hunter Green Clear Natural 204 Natural Aluminum Dark Green Light Bronze 311 Steel Blue Charcoal Gray Medium Bronze 312 Sandstone Medium Bronze Dark Bronze 313 Bright Red New Dark Bronze Black 335